About Us

This blog is about and for our friend Meghan, a 23 year old girl with a life threatening brain illness, Anaplastic Medulloblastoma. It is a place to share news, words of encouragement, and provide support (emotionally, spiritually and financially) for Meghan, her mom Sue, her sister Shannon and the rest of her family and friends. Meghan is fighting the fight and needs our help. She has no medical insurance and needs costly treatment in order to be a survivor of the illness she is striving to overcome. Friends of Meghan was formed by a group of concerned parents in Nutley, New Jersey, formed to co-ordinate and facilitate a variety of fundraisers. The funds will be used to cover medical and personal expenses incurred as a result of her illness. While Friends of Meghan is a not for profit organization, funds donated are not tax deducatble.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Red Robin, Clifton, NJ Fundraiser August 26, 2008

Hi, we are having a fundraiser for Meghan at the Red Robin in Clifton this coming Tuesday. Click on the picture of the voucher above and print it out. Bring it to Red Robin on August 26. At the end of you meal turn in the voucher and 10% of your bill will be donated to Friends of Meghan.

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